Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Facts, we don't need no stinkin facts

I would like to link you to 2 good posts about Democrats.

The first is Gateway Pundit:

Angry Hillary Clinton Moment: And, I want to quickly say, to the woman who lost her husband in the Sago Mine, Chris Dodd and I were on a committee that passed some very good laws. The problem is we have an administration that doesn't want to enforce laws. When I am president the Department of Labor will be a department that actually cares...(Chicago Democratic Debate)

Now the truth...

There were an average of 93 mining deaths each year during the 1990's when the Clintons were in office.

During the Bush Administration years, the number of mining fatalities has decreased sinificantly to an average of 63 mining deaths per year.

There are some good graphs at the link.

The second is Hillbilly White Trash:

"Clinton discovered what conservatives long have known: Talking to lefties is like trying to talk to children. Rational argument and facts don't impress.

"This is why I get exasperated with the left-wing trolls that come here. You lay out facts and to them it's just white noise. All they want to do is spew whatever talking point they picked up on their last visit to dailykos or Democrat Underground then go back to their job at McDonald's and tell the gang how they "really showed" some conservative.

Read the whole post at the link above.

The Left does not care about facts. It is that simple.

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