Monday, July 16, 2007

Thompson is playing it smart

I have noticed many people complaining about Thompson taking his time getting in. Captain Ed has a theory about this:

Everyone wants to know why Fred Thompson hasn't officially declared his candidacy yet. After all, with Jim Gilmore's departure, the Republicans have an empty podium for the next debate. Why doesn't Fred jump in and start getting tested?

One answer could be that Fred wants to hit the hustings in the top spot -- and that's he's building his coalition carefully before his launch. US News reports that Fred has had some success in getting evangelical groups to consider supporting him, reaching out to one group that could give him instant momentum. At Heading Right, I look at advantages he might have over some of the other GOP candidates, and the strategy of holding cards close to the vest until one gets a winning hand.

I think he is playing it smart. Ace of Spades has an interesting thought:

Obviously he'll have to announce eventually, but one can hardly fault him for continuing to see how long his stealth offensive continues gaining ground.

Furthermore, look at McCain's millions, all pissed away, for nothing. Thompson joked that he had already saved fifty million dollars by delaying his announcement this long, but it's not really a joke, is it?

We all know he is running.

Win, Fred, Win

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