Monday, July 2, 2007

Anjem Choudary, Islamic leader in London, issues a warning.

More bombings to come:

The thwarted car bombings in London last week and the terror attack this weekend against Scotland's busiest airport were "completely justified" and likely the beginning of many more attacks in Britain, a prominent UK Islamist leader connected to terror supporting groups told WND yesterday.

"There is no doubt whatsoever that there will continue to be attacks against the British government, its interests and the home front as long as we see the continued British and American occupation of Muslim land in Iraq and Afghanistan, support for criminal Israel, and draconian measures taken against Muslims in the UK," said Anjem Choudary, founder and former chief of two Islamic groups disbanded by the British authorities under antiterror legislation.

"A war is being waged against Muslims on every level. There are many in Britain who take their ideology from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida and are ready to carry out many more attacks," Choudary said.

I wonder how long people are going to keep their heads in the sand. In the attempt to be politically correct we are assisting in these types of actions. Radical islamists have declared war, and we had better accept this and deal with it.


TexasFred said...

Ya know, the loony left calls me a purveyor of genocide for this but I really believe the world would be a better place without the Muslims, and they feel the same about us, and they have sworn to kill us off too...

But if WE defend against them or go on the attack against them, the loons on the left go all whiny and say America is wrong...

Here's MY opinion, Kill em ALL, loons on the left too... God can sort em out...

Does that make me a bad person??

JB Davis said...

Oh no,not at all. I hope it does not make you a bad person. If so we both would be guilty of it.

bubby1962 said...

Have you ever known of the 'progressives" to be right on anything?

Dr Chris Hill said...

To tell you the truth I don't often read the blogs that I leave daft comments on, but I did read this one (Ok it was after I'd left some stupid comment on it) and its good to see someone else see the islamic threat.

In the UK the government have tried to jail people who speak out against islamic terrorism.

OK that's my 10 Cents worth, its back to leaving daft comments on random blogs for me.

bubby1962 said...

>>>In the UK the government have tried to jail people who speak out against islamic terrorism

All I can say is WOW!