Monday, July 2, 2007

Hillary Attacks Fred

The only problem is, what she is saying is not true:

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton was eager, according to campaign aides, to attack former Sen. Fred Thompson for his remarks about Cuba being a state supporter of terrorists. "Our porous border is unable to distinguish between friend and foe. My feeling is that Cuban Americans share this concern," Thompson said last week.

He further warned that a terrorist-backing Cuba matched with Hugo Chavez's desire to "go nuclear" in Venezuela would create additional security challenges for the United States.

Comparatively, a sober view, no? Not to Clinton. "Everyone is attacking Fred Thompson right now, because he's the frontrunner. She wanted to slap him around a little bit, even if there wasn't anything to slap him around over," says a campaign aide.

So Clinton went out and said she was shocked that Thompson would lump members of the Cuban diaspora with terrorists, something Thompson did not

There's a reason Clinton attempted to hit Thompson: her own record with
Cubans is shoddy at best. Recall, that back during the Elian Gonzalez crisis,
she went out and announced that Elian's seizure -- by goons sent in by her
husband's attorney general -- ''was accomplished rapidly and without injury.''

"Yeah, we've got a problem with that statement and all the pictures of that scared little boy hiding in the closet with all of those automatic weapons in his face," says the campaign adviser. "When we mentioned this to our policy guys, they didn't care. We're at a stage now where we have to attack Thompson, create an image in the public of who we want him to be, and then move on to lesser guys like Romney. It's Giuliani who we're not going to be beating up any time soon."

Fred is going to be attacked on a regular basis. I'm sure some of the things that will be said is going to hurt a little. But this is not one of them. Clinton's staff is just putting words into Fred's mouth. If this is all Hillary Clinton has come up with after two or three months of looking (and you know she has been looking) I think Fred will be just fine.

Win, Fred, Win


Anonymous said...

I wouldnt vote for Fred if my life depended on it. He is a hack!

bubby1962 said...

Bet Ron Paul would be much better...hummmmm