Sunday, July 29, 2007

Obama on the Hazelton ruling: 'a victory for all Americans'

Heaven help me, I have found something I agree with Hillary Clinton about. Senator Barack Obama is naive:

... the presidential hopeful praised the recent court decision overturning one city's attempt to protect itself from hostile foreigners filling their streets with drugs, crime and gangs as "a victory for all Americans."

On Thursday, U.S. District Judge James Munley overturned Hazleton, Pa.'s "Illegal Immigration Relief Act" in a 206-page opinion that declared states and municipalities have no authority to stem illegal immigration.

As WND reported, Hazelton passed an ordinance July 13, 2006, to deter housing owners from renting to illegals in an effort to reduce the crime and drain on city services associated with a large influx of illegal immigrants.


"Recently, the U.S. Senate failed the American people by blocking progress on immigration reform for the second time in two years,” he added. “We cannot put this off any longer. The ongoing problems with our immigration system are dividing our country, and distracting us from the work we need to do in other important areas such as health care, education and jobs.”

Failed the American people. Is he blind? Only 22% of Americans agreed with the bill. How could not passing this bill fail the people.

The division is between the "people" and our government officials on the illegal immigration issue.

1 comment:

TexasFred said...

I don't know if it's naivety or just a case of the dumbass...

Either way, it'll be a cold day in hell before he's president of THIS nation...